Tuesday, March 31, 2015

More Spring Wildflowers

Since my last post of spring wildflowers I've been out several times with and without my wife to see what was blooming.  Here are the latest, taken over a period of week and half and mostly taken on Fidaglo and Whidbey Islands.  The post, of course, includes not only wildflowers but anything we could find to photograph and the photo above is of Red Alders and Skunk Cabbage at Lake Padden Park.


Naked Broomrape

 Spring Gold

Small-flowered Blue-eyed Mary

 Evergreen Huckleberry

Harsh Paintbrush

Death Camas 

 Oregon Fawn Lily

 Western Trillium

 Seep-spring Monkeyflower

 Henderson's Shooting Star


Western Fairy Slipper

Albino Western Fairy Slipper

 Western Spotted Coralroot

 Long-spurred Piperia Leaves



Pacific Madrone

 Columbia Black-tailed Deer.


Fizgig said...

So many pretty flowers 'n' things =) Great series of photos!!

Ron said...

Thanks, Fizzie. Appreciate the visit and kind comments.