Saturday, March 12, 2016

Daffodils and Snow Geese

February 25 was one of the few sunny days we've had this spring and my wife and I went down to the Skagit Valley to see the daffodil fields and to look for the Snow Geese and Trumpeter Swans which winter in the valley.  The daffodils were just starting with only a couple fields in bloom, but we found both the Snow Geese and Swans and plenty of them, along with several other birds.  We wanted to go again, but the weather has been so lousy we haven't had a chance.

Daffodil Fields

Mount Baker and the Olympics

Bald Eagle and Sparrow Hawk

Trumpeter Swans

Snow Geese


Upupaepops said...

The Kestrel is quite nice, you dont often see them so low. It is an interesting advantage to see his colors

nothing much at Washington Pk last saturday

Ron said...

Thanks, Marti. We were at Deception Pass Monday and hiked the Rosario Beach to Bowman Beach trail. Found a few Calypsos in bud but not much else. Antsy to get out and do some hiking, but the weather has been dreadful.