Monday, February 12, 2018

Another Snowshoeing Excursion to Mount Spokane

"Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow?"

In January our daughter and son-in-law and their family moved to the Spokane area and while still job-hunting, he and I went snowshoeing to Mount Spokane.  We followed the same trail I had followed with our son a few weeks earlier, but this time we had a beautiful sunny day and made it to the top of the mountain with its glorious views of the surrounding area.

Coming back down we discovered to our dismay that we were supposed to have a Snow Park Pass in addition to the State Parks Pass which we did have.  Finding out later that a year's pass was another $80.00 on top of the $35 we had paid for the State Parks Pass, we decided we would not be visiting Mount Spokane again in the winter but would find other snowshoe trails.

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