Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Highway 20 through the Cascades and Eastern Washington

We make regular trips to eastern Washington to see our handicapped son and three times this spring and summer we went the longer northern route following Highway 20 through North Cascades National Park and then through some of the northernmost areas of our state before crossing the Columbia River and heading towards Spokane.  These are some of the pictures we've taken along the way.

Washington Pass (late April)

Diablo Lake, North Cascades National Park


Sunrise (April)

Glacier Lilies in Washington Pass (April)

Arrowleaf Balsamroot (April)

Ballhead Waterleaf (April)

Upland Larkspur (April)

Slender Bog Orchis (July)

Near Omak (April)

Sinlahekin Wildlife Area (June)

Bitterroot (June)

 Lyall's Mariposa Lily (June)

Scarlet Gilia and Thompson's Paintbrush (June)

 Mountain Lady's Slippers (June)

Columbia Lady's Slipper (June)

Yellow Lady's Slipper (June)

Bonaparte Lake Area (April)

Columbia Virgin's Bower (June)

Unidentified Mushrooms (June)

Eastern Fairy Slipper (June)

Old Cabins (April)

Sherman Pass (April)

Fort Spokane (April)

Camp Growden Memorial (April)

Eastern Washington (April)

California Quail (July)

 Cow Moose (July)

 Western Sheepmoth (July)


Upupaepops said...

The sky in the next to last
the lone house
the drops on the avalanche lily


Ron said...

Just looking at the pictures again and I know what that sigh means - so much to see and so little time to see it all. The more we are out in eastern Washington the more we love it.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous set of photos, Dad! Love especially the last few from Eastern Washington and the Arrowleaf Balsamroot and the Bitterroot. You could have skipped the winter April ones (although they are beautiful) because they are reminding me that in a month or two soon it's going to look like that over here! ~ Rose

Ron said...

Thanks, Rose. It's starting to feel a bit like fall here, though we don't have to worry about the winter weather. You would love the Bitterroots. They bloom without leaves on rocky ground, the huge flowers lying on top of the ground or barely standing erect. There's a range of mountains in Wyoming named after them, the Bitterroots.